The Internet Will be History Someday

The Internet Will be History Someday Note: If you get shocked after reading this article, please know your mind is relatively small or you haven't gone into the realm of mental freedom where you can stretch your mind beyond its elastic point. This may sound very abstract, of course most things we see today started up as fiction, but anyways Lemme drop it like it's hot. 50 years ago, nobody envisaged the internet, traditional technology was creeping and only a few saw today. Fast forward, few years later, the internet landed like the big bang, and wow we all are loving it. The internet/technology not only promises great opportunities but has made humans to leverage on it for her personal gratification. But this is the shocking part.... WHAT WILL REPLACE INTERNET/TECHNOLOGY? I understand how you feel right now, this sounds outta place and insignificant, those were our forefathers thought when Michael Faraday, Isaac Newton...